The Great Ages

The Great Ages

A Great Age is a time cycle of approximately 25,920 years, marked by the time it takes the midsummer (or midwinter) sun to precess through all twelve signs of the zodiac, being in each sign 2,160 years (i.e. an Age). In other words, 12 Ages make up a Great Age. A Great Age is also known as a Platonic Year or a Phoenix Cycle.

The start of the Great Age is indicated by when the sun’s position at the two solstices of the year (midsummer and midwinter) coincides with the two points on the ecliptic (the sun’s path through the heavens) where the equator of the Milky Way galaxy crosses the ecliptic. These two places, opposite each other on the ecliptic circle, are the cusp of Gemini-Taurus and the cusp of Sagittarius-Scorpio. They are the only fixed points on the ecliptic that can be used to calculate long periods of time accurately and are the points from which the twelve equal divisions of the zodiac are calculated. The diameter between them is the main axis of the zodiac. All geometry of the zodiac, besides that of the twelve equal signs, is set out from this.

The actual starting point of a Great Age is when the midsummer sun is on the cusp of Gemini-Taurus (the ‘AA’ or Alpha-Omega Point) and the midwinter sun is on the cusp of Sagittarius-Scorpio—a situation that is occurring right now in human history. The half-way point of a Great Year is when the solstice sun is in the opposite position—i.e. the midsummer sun is on the cusp of Sagittarius-Scorpio and the midwinter sun is on the cusp of Gemini-Taurus.

These two times, the beginning and the midpoint of each Great Age, are the times of the destructions. At these times, which occur at approximate 12,000-year intervals, the earth appears to be bombarded with cosmic super-rays emanating from the heart of the galaxy. This galactic heart lies close to the ecliptic cusp of Sagittarius-Scorpio; and so when the solstice sun is on that cusp it is said that a channel is opened up from the heart of the galaxy to the earth, down which pours a baptism of water and fire.

From the spiritual point of view these times are associated with the two baptisms: the first by water and the second by air and fire (i.e. the Holy Breath or Spirit). From the physical point of view it causes great changes, difficulties and challenges, with destructions and mutations of species, including the human race. They are major initiatory moments. We are experiencing one right now.

At the start of a Great Age this is when the galactic heart is aligned with the midwinter solstice sun—the Christmas or Birthday of a Great Age. The old Phoenix dies and is reborn, renewed, resurrecting from the ashes of its old form.

Other cycles are also involved, such as those calculated by the Mayan calendar or indicated by astrological cycles and events. From all points of view we are moving right now out of an old Great Age and into a new one, and at the same time moving from what the Mayans refer to as the Fourth World of humanity and into the Fifth World.

© Peter Dawkins

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