Zoence Accredited Teachers

Almut Martini
Almut Martini is a doctor specialising in homeopathy, acupuncture and natural healing methods. She is the co-founder of Haus der Begegnung (in Bad Pyrmont, Germany), a centre for weekend workshops which has been in operation since 1985.
Almut has been leading meditation/healing groups and organising geomantic pilgrimages and journeys in the Externsteine landscape temple (the 'Exterland') for many years. She is the focaliser of an Exterland mystery school and leads the celebration of the solar festivals in Bad Pyrmont, which includes singing, sacred circle dance, creation of a mandala and guided meditation.
Almut is a Zoence accredited teacher and is deeply involved in the study of the temple science (as defined in the book, Zoence - the Science of Life) and the work of Peter Dawkins.
Almut wrote part of the book, Sacred Journeys - Paths for the New Pilgrim (Gaia Books Ltd).
Contact Almut: almut.martini@gmx.de

Caroline McCausland
Caroline Weatherby is a professional singer and classical guitarist, a McTimmoney therapist, and a workshop and pilgrimage leader. She is particularly interested in the use of sound for healing in the landscape and is known for her career as a singer with classical guitar under the name of Caroline McCausland.
Contact Caroline: carolineweatherby@g.mail.com
Holly Bank, Sweffling,
Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 2BL

Oliver Falldorf
Inspired through the art, work and connection to Peter Dawkins and Sir George Trevelyan, Oliver has explored for over 28 years the relation between nature, science and humanity, and is looking for the footprints that the great lights of the Renaissance and the ancient world left for us to discover, to bring a deeper understanding and service to both nature and society. Oliver has celebrated the solar festivals with his friends for more than 20 years, and likes to share his discoveries and experiences. He is working as a care assistant in psychiatry and is a health consultant. He still hasn’t lost his view for practical sustainable things that he learned when he once worked as a carpenter.
Contact Oliver: Familie-Falldorf@gmx.de

Heidemarie Falldorf
Heidemarie lives in a small community in Schaumburg, Germany, near the north gate of the Externsteine Zodiac. Since she met Peter Dawkins in 1989, his work started to become a major subject in her life. Together with her husband and friends she organizes the celebration of the solar festivals in their home, which includes singing, dancing, poetry, creation of a mandala and guided meditation.
Heidemarie has been leading meditation groups for many years. She is a health consultant and does family constellation work, landscape work and local history research.
Contact Heidemarie: Familie-Falldorf@gmx.de

Saira Salmon
Saira Salmon is a certified Feng Shui practitioner and holistic nutrition coach, trained as a naturopathic nutritionist, flower essence practitioner and colour therapist, andin Reiki tissue salts and energy medicine. She works with clients not only to bring about change at the physical level but also to open up awareness of other levels of issues that get in the way of a truly integrated sense of wellbeing.
Saira is a student of the Ancient Wisdom teachings, a writer, author, public speaker and workshop leader. Her own journey of transformation has taken in many pathways, both physical and metaphysical, and she brings all her knowledge and understanding of these to her clients and the workshops she teaches
Saira's websites are: www.sairasalmon.co.uk

Jane Withers
Jane became a student of the Zoence Academy in 1994, attending trainings and pilgrimages with Peter and Sarah to the present day. She became an accredited trainer in 1998 and has led introductory workshops on The Wheel of Life, and celebrations of the Solar Festivals, which included workshops and pilgrimages.
Jane's background is in Special Education, Gestalt Therapy and the training of counsellors, but has spent the last several years focussing on pilgrimage.
For Jane's current work in East Sussex, see https://www.facebook.com/groups/1517458028553484
or email her on janewithers@cooptel.net