

The Mysteries Series Short Videos

Peter Dawkins, in conversation with Saira Salmon, talks about the various Mysteries, such as the Dionysian, Orphic, Eleusinian, Druidic, Arthurian, Christian and Rosicrucian Mysteries, and the essential truths common to all.

  1. 'The Mysteries' (13:59)
  2. 'The Mysteries and the Landscape Temple' (12:21)
  3. 'The Mysteries and the Three Lands' (6:40)
  4. 'The Mysteries: Europa and the Bull' (15:12)
  5. 'The Dionysian Mysteries' (17:38)
  6. 'The Eleusinian and Other Mysteries' (23:20)

Wisdom Videos

Building the Light Body video

Building the Light Body

An illustrated seminar given by Peter Dawkins
(2 Parts: 3 hrs)
Available on Vimeo

Gatekeeper Videos

Loving the Land

Talk by Peter Dawkins at Gatekeeper Trust Conference 2020
(12 mins)

Wisdom in the Land

Talk by Peter Dawkins at Gatekeeper Trust Conference 2016
(26 mins)

Working with the Consciousness of Nature

Talk by Peter Dawkins at Gatekeeper Trust Conference 2018 (66 mins)

The Gatekeeper

Talk by Peter Dawkins at Gatekeeper Trust Conference 2016
(26 mins)

Other Videos

An Interview with Peter Dawkins

Peter Dawkins interviewed by Carly Newfeld, recorded in Santa Fe in November 2007.

In this comprehensive 2-hr interview Peter talks about a wide range of topics that are close to his heart, from sacred architecture, landscape temples and God as the Great Architect of Nature, to inner teachers, angels, the Western Wisdom traditions, Rosicrucians and Freemasons, the wisdom of Shakespeare, and power points in time and space.

Video (stream/download)

Video - running time 120 mins
Price: £5.95
Available on Vimeo On Demand