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Faithful and True
22/07/2022 @ 19:30 - 24/07/2022 @ 17:00
A Friday evening talk and weekend summer school in the Exterland Zodiac* led by Peter Dawkins.
The final judgement at the end of time – the end of our life on earth, or the end of a cycle of time such as an Age or Great Age – seemingly concerns whether or not we have been faithful and true. This description of “Faithful and True” is that of Revelation’s final Rider on the White Horse, who corresponds with Kalki, the 10th Avatar of Hindu tradition, who ends a Kali Yuga (Dark Age) and ushers in a Satya Yuga (Golden Age). How many of us are faithful and true? What does being faithful and true really mean? How can we be faithful and true?
Over this weekend, Peter will share his insights and knowledge about this, and how it is associated with the Mystical Marriage, and much else besides. He will also discuss how this relates to the chakras both in ourselves and in the landscape, and to the zodiac, and to Pisces and Virgo in particular, which are keys to what is going on in the world right now.
The weekend will begin with an evening talk on Friday, followed by a summer school on the Saturday and Sunday, in which some teaching, training, pilgrimage and celebration will take place.
The evening talk and summer school will be given in English, with German translation.
The evening talk will form part of the weekend summer school, but is also open to non-summer school participants to attend.
*The Exterland Zodiac is a landscape zodiac centred on the Externsteine in northern Germany, and forms the throat chakra of the Swan landscape temple of Europe. Bad Pyrmont is a spa-town that marks a chakra within the Exterland landscape zodiac.
Full details in German: Treu und Wahrhaftig